Ian Middleton responds to Labour and Conservative Councillors in the Banbury Guardian

Original letters in the Banbury Guardian I feel compelled to respond to the two letters last week from Kieron Mallon and John Christie replying to my criticisms of them in a letter the week before. Firstly Mr Mallon's characterisation of the agreed budget as a compromise was somewhat disingenuous. Most of the original cuts remained in the agreed budget with only some of them moved to a category called 'unspecified cuts'. Of course it remains to be seen if any of these 'parked' cuts are eventually re-instated throughout the year, but that is a distinct possibility. Moreover the majority of the cuts to children's centre s remain. These were highlighted this week when the Prime M inister's own mother lost her job after the children's centre where she worked closed. Mr Mallon's refusal to see any of this as something he and his Conservative cohorts owe the people of Oxfordshire an apology for is of course between him and his conscienc...