Why I'm Green - Robert Nixon - Joined April 2015

I joined the Green Party in April 2015 as a member of the Young Greens and since then have become an active member of the North Oxfordshire Green Party. It’s really enjoyable to take part in discussion and debate within the party as well as talking to voters in Cherwell and discussing the issues that matter to them.

Why I got involved in politics
Whilst watching the TV debates and attending a local hustings event in the run-up to the 2015 General election, I had the overwhelming feeling that mainstream politicians were not addressing the issues that mattered to people in a practical way, particularly the young. 

I got involved in politics through a desire to change people's lives for the better, to help people who are struggling at the hands of crippling Government spending cuts and Government policy and to attempt to take responsibility for the way in which we are treating the Earth.

Another aim is to give young people a greater voice in politics. In Cherwell, this could be achieved through the establishment of a Cherwell Youth Parliament with the aim of making organisations like the NHS, and educational institutions accountable to younger people as these organisations play a massive role in the day to day lives of young people. 

Why the Green Party
Originally I didn't think the Green Party was for me. I had the usual misconceptions about the Greens, I thought everyone was a vegan and an obsessive environmentalist, so naturally as I'm neither of these I couldn't join. I really wanted to join a party committed to stopping dangerous climate change as I've been told throughout my education the climate change was a problem but have been presented with very few solutions. After a lot of thought I took the plunge and discovered how wrong I was about my previous misconceptions.

The Greens are in fact incredibly inclusive and although I don’t fit into the stereotype of a Green Party member, the truth is most people don’t. However, The Green Party are the only party who are united in a shared vision of the kind of country we could have in the long term. Another misconception I hear often is that we would have to give up modern day comforts if we are to combat climate change. The truth is quite different, adopting Green policies will make modern life less stressful for the masses whilst retaining the comforts of a modern life. Adopting an agenda of sustainability can only improve life for people living in poorer countries as well as our own and it is irresponsible to deny future generations the chance that we have to live on a clean planet without the use of fossil fuels and unsustainable products. It’s wonderful to think that a better world can be created whilst addressing the world's most pressing environmental problem. This is what motivates Greens in the face of such fierce opposition. We have the policies to make a real difference in people's everyday lives, now is the time to enact them.

Robert Nixon
Vice Chair, North Oxfordshire Green Party
Delivering Green News to Langford Village, Bicester


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