Robert Nixon, Vice Chair of North Oxfordshire Green Party responds to Save Bicester.
The North Oxfordshire Green Party has taken note of the concerns raised by the Save Bicester Group. Below, Robert Nixon, Vice Chair and Bicester resident, responds to the questions raised at this page and in doing so hopes that residents will realize that the Green Party can provide a real alternative to the policies of the incumbent district councillors. In a recent video Robert, and district council candidate Roger Nixon, discussed issues facing Bicester and most importantly Green solutions to these problems. You can view it on Youtube here . Question 1 The fact that there was an inadequate level of public consultation is certainly of concern. The Green Party are in favour of all important decisions such as these being appropriately discussed with those they will affect. Parish councillors should be involved in dialogue with district councillors regardless of their respective political parties and parish and district councillors should be obliged to consult with the publi...