Greens Pledge to Defend Local Services and Amenities North Oxfordshire

The North Oxfordshire Green Party officially launched its local elections campaign last week with a promise to continue its focus on resisting the cuts agenda of the other main parties fighting for wards on May 5th.
Bus services are now under serious attack after the County Council agreed swinging cuts in the recent budget and the wholesale withdrawal of subsidies to rural routes. This is effectively marooning entire swathes of the county and leaving those without personal transport means unable to do simple things like shopping and visiting friends.
The NHS and the Horton Hospital in particular continues to suffer under the austerity agenda being imposed on us all by the Conservative government. As one of the instigators of the NHS re-instatement bill in Parliament the Green Party has always been a staunch supporter of the NHS and will stand with the people of Banbury to resist any further degradation of services at the Horton.
Other key issues of concern are greater provision of social housing built on brownfield sites as well as utilising existing structures and locations reducing the need to build on Oxfordshire's ever diminishing green belt areas.
Green field sites need to be protected against developers both as essential wildlife habitats and green spaces that everybody can continue to enjoy for generations to come. Roger Nixon - Green Party Candidate for Bicester South and Ambrosden said "We will protect areas such as Gavray Meadows in Bicester against future development"
Greens want to see Banbury thriving as both a shopping district whilst also allowing to maintain its essential character. John Haywood - North Oxfordshire Green Party Chairman and candidate for Adderbury, Bloxham and Bodicote said "Plans for the redevelopment of the town centre lack any real imagination in improving cultural amenities. The only people likely to benefit will be developers looking to make a quick buck"
2015 Parliamentary Green Party Candidate for Banbury and candidate in both Bicester North and Caversfield and the Parish Council By-election in Kidlington Dogwood ward said "As the only party on the County Council to have voted against the devastating cuts to local services agreed by every other councillor, I am proud to be standing for the Green Party in May. Greens were the only party to put forward a fully costed alternative budget that would have prevented the need for all these damaging cuts. With greater representation in local government I'm convinced we can make a positive difference to the future of everyone in North Oxfordshire"
The Green Party has 30 candidates contesting wards in North Oxfordshire in the elections on May 5th

For more details about local candidates and to see our full local manifesto visit our website at
For more information please contact: John Haywood at
Tel: 07785235715


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